Levonne Peterson-Morgan #fundie facebook.com
They closed your businesses.
They closed your schools.
They closed your churches.
They closed your beaches.
They banned parties.
They banned funerals.
They banned graduation ceremonies.
They banned nursing home visitors.
They banned hospital visits.
They banned dads in the delivery room.
They banned travel to certain states.
They even designated what constitutes a meal.
They allowed protests.
They allowed riots.
They allowed anarchists to coopt cities.
They allowed the storming of police precincts.
They allowed the assault of peacekeepers.
They allowed multiple funerals for people that fit their agenda.
They allowed businesses to be destroyed.
They allowed gun stores to be vandalized.
They allowed churches to be set on fire.
They allowed the infringement of our liberty.
They allowed our Constitution to be ignored.
Vote WISELY in November to save America!