Lee Duigon #wingnut #sexist #transphobia #racist #conspiracy newswithviews.com

Opening Night at the Democrat National Convention: “women” parade around the scene costumed as abortion pills.

And across the water, Britain’s new Labour government (that’s “Off-the-Wall Far Left Crazy” in American English) has threatened a government crackdown on “harmful beliefs”. They’ve vowed to go all-out, no quarter asked or given, against “extremism.” If your beliefs ain’t right, the cops will bite.

In France last week, a 72-year-old man was sentenced to “re-education”—he got a break: it was originally going to be a prison sentence—for the, um, crime of showing disrespect for government officials. (That would explain why so many creepy individuals wind up in government. They’re welcome nowhere else.)

Has the whole Western world collectively lost its mind?

Because they have to conceal the fact that it’s us they’re laughing at, and that the prospect of devouring our liberties makes them positively giddy, Democrats have staked a claim to a soon-to-be legendary Politics of Joy. “We’re the happy, jolly ones, and that’s why you should vote for us! Trump and Vance are a couple of gloomy guses, really weird! And they’re gonna force women to have babies!”
But vice-presidential candidate Tim Walz has the answer: tampons for boys. Because, you see, “gender” is 100 percent fluid, you really are whatever you say you are, and that whole male/female thing is so yesterday!

What? That doesn’t expand your lungs with joy? Well, then, how about this—wide-open borders, with Free Stuff for everyone who breaks our immigration laws? Hey, Kamala Harris is our Border Czar: she’s had oodles of practice, bringing in millions more Democrat hangers-on.
So why not join us in our mirth? We offer you a top-to-bottom revision of America that makes the Chicoms look like amateurs. Look and see: Britain and France are leading the way. Surely we can overtake them—and create a new America where Harmful Beliefs can land you in a labor camp.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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