Tatsuya Ishida #racist #conspiracy #psycho sinfest.xyz

[From “January 14, 2025: Mount Olympus 92”]

NOTE: the victim has not been hanged yet and would die on January 19


spoilerPanel 1: a Jewish man is standing on gallows, having been caught for poisoning wells. The hangman is saying “The people have spoken”
Panel 2: The hangman continues “You are sentenced to death” and “For the crime of mass poisoning
Panel 3: As the hangman's hands are on the lever, a voice shout “Halt!”
Panel 4: A civil servant is telling to the hangman that “You are in violation” and “of the Anti-Judean Awareness Act”, holding a scroll on which is written “Be nice to Jews”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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