Richey Douglas, Cort Hatfield and Heru Heru #wingnut #conspiracy #moonbat
(Richey Douglas)
These idiot democrats' diplomats are putting us on a clear path to a nuclear war with Russia. Joe Biden already blew up Nord Stream which is already an act of War. That's coming back to bite because the Chinese are backing Russia now. We are deep trouble.
(Cort Hatfield)
Do you really think those mentioned nations give a diddly what the G7 wants? Hell no, they don't. The USA is a 'compromised-by-China' laughingstock internationally and everyone knows it.
(Heru Heru)
I love the picture of that blinking idiot with Japan's minister, they must be twins.
I bet you if they did an ancestry search, they'd probably wind up on the same branch.
How old is that picture it shows Blinky and the clueless guy laughing when we just read Japan was not happy about the ease dropping or was that South Korea.
Then the article further States G7 rejects China, North Korea, and Russia's aggressions what aggressions Tehy went to claim those who wanted to reunite with Russia.
North Korea, what aggression, and China is going to reaclimate their wayward child who joined the cult, boy that must be tough on the knees