New Order #wingnut #racist

[From “History and Organization”]

The NEW ORDER is the dynamic embodiment of the Movement of Adolf Hitler in North America. It is a vanguard organization with a spiritual dimension, a party of light in the truest sense. It represents a continuation of the struggle for a new world which began in 1919. It bears the special legacy of a special mission bequeathed to future generations by the Leader himself

With the personal martyrdom of Adolf Hitler, as well as that of his followers, in 1945, the National Socialist movement entered a new international phase[…]Numerous attempts were made to meet the challenges of this new reality. Most notable here in North America was the pioneering work of George Lincoln Rockwell in raising the fallen banner of National Socialism[…]This was a dramatic move that inspired an equally important event: the formation of the World Union of National Socialists[…]
When Lincoln Rockwell was martyred in 1967, his faithful lieutenant, Matt Koehl, stepped forward to pick up the torch of leadership in the US and Canada. He was also named as commander of the World Union. At that time, the Movement in North America was operating as the National Socialist White People’s Party[…]
On January 1, 1983, the NEW ORDER replaced the NSWPP as the organizational vehicle for the Movement[…]
Such invitation is only extended to men and women of Aryan-European race on the basis of acceptable racial and moral credentials, a proven record of effective activity on behalf of the Movement, and a lifetime commitment to our Cause[…]
The road to membership in the NEW ORDER is not easy. It begins with a personal decision to devote one’s life and one’s destiny to the sacred Cause of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist struggle for our Race above every other consideration[…]
The New Order does indeed represent the future. The remarkable thing is that the future is already firmly rooted in the present – and that you can be part of it. The decision is YOURS



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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