Hopefully with President Trumps willingness to put an end to "trans" in the US the rest of the world will follow. I am in Canada and we have "trans" rights entrenched in law - I certainly hope that gets changed, and soon.
Hopefully with President Trumps willingness to put an end to "trans" in the US the rest of the world will follow
Kyle, birth name Chloe, Reese: “Most of us were rounded up, put in camps for 'orderly disposal'! Some of us were kept alive. To work. Loading bodies. The disposal units ran night and day, trans people were that close to going out forever! But there was one trans man, who taught us to fight! To storm the wire of the camps, to kick those fascist motherfuckers in the junk! He turned it around! He brought us transgenders back from the brink. His name is...Connor. John, birth name Jane, Connor! Your son, Sarah! Your unborn son-in-the-body-of-a-daughter!!”
Not going to happen, people in history has always resisted forced-conformality instilled by bigoted despots. Bigots expected their targets to be submissive, humbled and defenseless in their power fantasy. Bigots will Fuck Around and Find Out when the people they oppressed fight back.
Idiots like you make me glad we aren't the 51st state - and Canada isn't either. They had gay marriage, when trans people here had to divorce a spouse they previously had, to be recognised as their gender legally.
Trump is a vector for everyone's bigotry.
@Malingspann #213514
Unless the 25th amendment is invoked to remove Trump from office after less than four years.
Do you honestly see anyone from his camp being willing to pull that particular cord? Dotard could be standing at the podium, drooling like a lobotomite, taking a Mitch McConnell moment like his brain just jumped the track, before coming back to reality precisely long enough to declare war on the ocean - any ocean! All the oceans! They're not sending their best and their brightest, they're sending Great Whites and Makos and angler fish and, he assumes, some very fine guppies - then spending the next eight minutes sharting himself, and his cult will proclaim his every word and fragrant emanation to be divinely inspired and that the mere suggestion he be put out to pasture or that he's a mere mortal must be met with lethal force.
It's either they defend him and his power with their dying breathes, or else they risk someone from the other party getting into office and actually trying to help the country, and they simply can't have that.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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