Danlboon #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com
There is much more that will be going on if Trump puts in the Med Beds everywhere as one primary thing is in the use for non-appropriate drugs that are used on the street and the powers that sell them.
Everything has Opposition from some people, but how far will it go as we have had 160+ years of the USA, INC. in control while coming up on 250 years of patriots wanting their freedom.
By the way, who will have access to these Med Beds to start with, as will it be for the life long diseases or health conditions like cancer, will it be for the more serious life threatening ones where you only have days to live, or will it be that it is the same as gaining access to your QFS Account to then pay for the treatment as you need to work 30 hour a week to have treatment?
But one major thing is that what happened in the early 1900s is that when the automobile came about then the horse and buggy industry went to put and millions of people lost their jobs. Now there will be tens of millions of people in the medical and associated industries that will lose their jobs, and even may not even receive their QFS Account and NESARA funds as they are now unemployed due to the Med Beds. Now a PhD Doctor has to work at Walmart or McDonald’s to have a job?
There will be another war inside of the USA and from where they start receiving those drugs, so in bad neighborhoods is where Trump will be pushing those Med Beds to assist the people to get them straight and then get a proper job and a life.
So there will be many on the Opposition side trying to make sure those Med Beds don’t get out there or working properly, as I can see terrorist activities at those manufacturing facilities and placement locations.
Then there is the other side that people want those Med Beds to help themselves, their family and / or friends, but there aren’t enough Med Beds out there to help them soon enough, so theft or other crimes will happen in trying to get a hold of them.