Pedro Afonso #forced-birth #wingnut #dunning-kruger

Those who advocate legalising abortion consider it a right; a civilisational achievement. French President Emmanuel Macron himself has proposed that the “right to abortion” be included among the rights guaranteed by the European Charter of Fundamental Rights. However, this is not just a question of one right, but rather a conflict between two rights: the mother’s right to abort and the unborn baby’s right to live.

Some 15 years after abortion was legalized in our country, we know that there are many people who believe that an embryo or fetus is not a human life (at least up to 10 weeks), and that it is a woman's right to decide to have an abortion. In the case of the Roe v. Wade ruling , abortion is admissible up to the stage of viability of the fetus; that is, until its ability to survive outside the mother's womb, which prolongs the possibility of abortion. Note the weakness of this argument: even “the viability of the newborn” is only guaranteed through the care of third parties (by the mother, father or other people who replace them). This would mean that, based on this line of argument, infanticide could be legalized.

If we do not consider that life begins at the moment of conception and that an embryo is unequivocally a human being, then the value of intrauterine life and its defense becomes extremely volatile. Ultimately, the beginning of all rights and guarantees, as a human person, ends up being established by arbitrary criteria that may vary over time, for reasons of convenience.

Excluding cases of antisocial personalities, the decision to have an abortion is a difficult one, made under tragic and often traumatic conditions. Over time, various psychological and psychiatric problems may arise that justify clinical monitoring. Anyone who says otherwise is falsifying the truth of the facts, as they have certainly never heard individual accounts of this experience, nor witnessed the suffering of these people in real life. For a woman, even when performed in a legal context, an abortion is never forgotten. Defending it as a human right is a civilizational setback, as it is denying the first of fundamental rights: the right to life.



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