If we tell FEMA we are virgins but not incels, will they believe us?
How can I make myself and my living space appear as non-hateful and feminist as possible for when they kick my door down for being a sub-8 virgin male? I really don't want to go to the camps no matter how much the feminist gov wants to put us there China-style.
Of course they’ll believe you. Outside of a very small group of people, nobody knows wtf an “incel” is, nor do they care. That is more or less your group internal terminology for “complete loser”, i.e for yourselves. Virgins people know about, incels probably not.
They're not going to knock down your door for being an ugly male. You can appear less hateful if you stop going on sites that host incels, MGTOW, Red Pill, etc.
@Everyone asking why FEMA would care about incels:
Aspect 1:
The idea that FEMA is preparing concentration camps where the True Patriots™ will be exterminated when the Zionist Occupied Government proclaims the New World Order and sends out the Black Helicopters has been a wingnut boogeyman for decades. Indeed, the reason why I know that the federal US disaster management office is called FEMA is because that word cropped up so often on CSTDT. Seriously, does no one remember?
Aspect 2:
Agencies dealing with national security (which FEMA, of course, is not, but see Aspect 1) are definitively aware of incels. Last June, for instance, an Air Force base gave a briefing on them . And for good reason. Incels are NOT harmless. They are NOT just Internet Tough Guys. Yes, most of them are, and yes, their fantasies of an uprising are so divorced from reality that it’s actually funny. Still, we all know that there have been several incels who actually crept out of their basement and committed acts of terrorism that resulted in many deaths, who the incels proclaim “Saints”, most infamously Elliot Rodger and Alek Minassian. Actually, considering that the media exposure these attacks resulted in, I would consider the assertion that very few people know about incels dubious at best.
They will probably say “What business is it of ours whether you are virgins or not? What’s that other thing; “insulate”? Never heard of.”
Here’s a radical idea; you can BE non-hateful and feminist!
It’s more probable that you’ll be sent with the “beautiful equipment” to fight in the Glorious Iran War that the Orange Clown has perhaps started, than you’ll be sent to be idle in some camp. Who cares if you’re a sub-8 virgin, male or female?
And yes, more and more people do know about you dolts, because of the terrorist attacks some of you have committed. So, no-one is going to care, really, that you are virgins, but people working with security are going to care VERY MUCH if you call yourselves “incel”.
So does that mean that we can now round up the pathetic little incel brats & put them in the FEMA camps under abandoned Wal Marts in Texas, with the rest of the right wing trash? Cuz that would be great. Or perhaps we could force them to join the army, so they can go & die in Iran with the rest of the chest thumping imbeciles.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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