Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com
Ivo: You also live in a death culture, and this is social conditioning as well, my love. The reason you live in a death culture is because the Negative Alien Alliance enjoys your suffering. The third dimension is the only dimension where suffering is permissable, although it is used as a learning tool and is intended to be short lived. The NAA has extended this suffering for you in many ways: by creating wars, by stealing your wealth and creating poverty for you, by altering your religious messages to make you fear God instead of loving Him, they have created an entertainment web of movies that are based on fear and killing, which of course keeps one in an adrenalized state of fear while watching them. They are also highly addictive, so when you continue to watch them, you begin to develop anxiety and other adrenal or endocrine system problems.
Me: It is a battle for your mind. If you are still living life from your ego, you have much work to do because a reptilian ego will not see the fifth dimension. Thoughts of hatred, violence, killing, war... will not get to 5D.
It is easy to determine your soul's thoughts from those of a reptilian's – they are happy, purposeful, caring for others, concerned for the future of humanity. Anything else that does not light up your heart, is mind control.
Social conditioning is the means by which they keep you enslaved, but now you must leave the matrix and stop indulging in your conditioning as much as you possibly can. The more you watch TV, the more you shop at stores for non-essentials, the more you go to work, you are keeping the system that enslaves you empowered.
Ivo: My love, I realize that this is difficult but it can be done piece by piece. Dismantel the matrix and change your life by changing your minds.