Rich Loomis #wingnut #conspiracy #quack
Hey diddle, diddle
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon
Dear officials at the CDC and FDA and FBI and CIA and INTERPOL and WEF and IMF and UN and governors and mayors and city councils:
With regard to the above poetic protocol, as of tomorrow, Aug 1, 2021, you are directed. ordered, decreed, charged, bidden, and demanded to publicly exemplify/perform the above concluding sentence of the old children's fable.
That is, you are instructed by citizen "mandate" to hold a collective press conference on national TV wherein and whereby at least ONE representative from each of the named agencies shall assemble themselves together on camera, at twelve o'clock noon and shall then jointly - JUMP OVER THE MOON.
Yes, you read that right. Jump over the moon - or ELSE!
For well over a year now our so-called "leaders" have been indiscriminately ordering citizens around like animals, DEMANDING compliance with their "invented" and convoluted fairy tales
Yes, we can almost hear your objections in advance: "But . . but . . even if we COULD jump over the moon . . the long, 240,000 mile accelerating FALL back to earth would have us re-enter the atmosphere at such speed that, if we did not incinerate ourselves into incandescent molecules, we would subsequently impact the surface so violently as to end up as nothing more than red mush and mist, smeared over a half acre! How can you ask us to participate in a program ending with our own near-certain DEATH?
In answer we reply: Rest assured, dear politicians/banksters/globalists and other assorted treasonous elements now posing this question . . we are indeed VERY familiar with your concerns and objections, having LIVED (and died) on a planetary scale under similarly-lethal notions for at least two weeks now (oops, scratch that original "projection" -- it's now been nearly a YEAR and a half!) so if WE can do it -- why not you?? Is not "turn-around" FAIR PLAY?