various TERFs #transphobia #sexist


spoilerIf you are illustrating that misogyny is real and that hatred of females is real, I agree. If you think any of those cultures would treat a transitioned MtF TS better you are wrong. Either they would be treated as a female (stealth), or (if non passing), killed or ostracized.
But when you use the fact of sex-selective abortion as an explanation to claim trans women don't face misogyny.. it becomes inexplicable. Also, if/when brain scans and
genome scans become good enough to catch transsexuality in the womb, they'll be aborted with even greater vigor.

( oatmeal )
Well it would be impossible to find "proclivity towards mass porn use and sexual deviancy" in a brain scan on a fetus so he has nothing to worry about.

( XXathlete )
Nah, just abort all male fetuses except a chosen few for breeding. Bees know what they're doing.

( Researcher1536 )
đź‘Ź đź‘Ź đź‘Ź

( Gould2022 )
Well said.



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