The Hunter Biden laptop story was true. We KNEW it. Yet we were censored. TW didn’t allow us to share NYPost’s link. FB didn’t either. MSM said it was Russian disinfo. Why? Because they KNEW it was true & would hurt Biden’s election chances. Now, NYT says… it’s true. Holy sh$t.
Yes, the hunterbidenlaptop is totally real! Just keep eating your ivermectin and drinking your piss, like a proud little boy! It will definitely appear, and your dad will also come back from getting cigarettes! what make is this legendary 'laptop', then?
(*Crickets chirp *)
Never mind Techmoan showing us some of the most obscure audio & video formats, when laptop restorer Andrew can reveal a brand - Gericom - I'd never heard of until he'd done so with one , so much for your 'claim', Lizziepoos.
Oh, so Ghouliani finally turned it in? Even if he did actually have it, which I don’t believe, it would’ve been illegal for him to have it in his possession at all, much less hidden in his house or wherever the fuck he supposedly had it.
@Timjer #118488
They’re cherrypicking, as usual. There’s an investigation of Hunter Biden’s taxes (pushed by Trumpists at the DOJ, of course), but that’s it. The NYT article mentions the laptop because it mentions repeated attempts to smear Biden by Trump’s goons, but clearly states there’s no proof it was actually Hunter’s. As is typical of them, the Qnuts are using the fact that there’s an investigation as “proof” that Hunter and thus Joe Biden are shady.
Funny how that never works on Trump, isn’t it?
@Yutolia #118529
Technically not illegal for him to possess the laptop if attained through otherwise legal means, but illegal for him to hold onto it without either destroying it or turning it in.
He was a licensed attorney at the time, and as an attorney and officer of the court, he does have some leeway to participate in investigations, but am investigation of this sort does require police involvement at the point the attorney gets access to said material. That he held onto it without handing it over to FBI at that point most definitely is illegal. If, you know, he actually had it.
Technically not illegal for him to possess the laptop if attained through otherwise legal means, but illegal for him to hold onto it without either destroying it or turning it in
Several years ago I bought at a local branch of Cash Converters a Dell D630 which was among their 'Faulty' items: it was missing the battery and the HD was dead. But it did have the charger so it was able to boot to BIOS and I saw that the display was of a larger resolution than my own D630: and had a 2.4 GHz CPU, so I bought it for £20 and swapped out the processor & screen to upgrade mine, and with a battery & 500 Gb HD going spare I was able to give this laptop to my best friend.
To be able to sell items to Cash Converters - as well as other secondhand shops - one must show proof of identity, so as the police can track whoever had said item that was potentially stolen property.
...oh, and said dead HD? a 320 Gb Western Digital Scorpio Black which had on it a label saying 'Property of US Department of Defence'.
As Dell machines were standard issue to the US Military (just as Lenovo Thinkpads are the only ones NASA uses): and D630s were used in the field by them prior to being replaced with Panasonic Toughbooks, it figures that the DoD resold old hardware that went into the public domain. So it follows that even the police, least of all intelligence services would be able to find one that was stolen.
Still waiting on the make of one particular laptop, Lizzy...!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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