TheModSquad #sexist
So you think you're superior?
- You have never been forced to die in war.
- You are not capable of performing the same tasks men do because you lack the ambition and devotion to do a good job at anything. This is why you get paid less.
- Remember when you weren't allowed to vote? It's because you lack the enough logical reasoning skills to take difficult decisions in a sound manner.
- You have never ruled the world. Because you lack the enough physical strength and intelligence to lead an army or a nation.
- The only reason you need wimpy support groups (i.e. Feminism) is because of your primal instinct of inferiority.
- You have never invented anything worth mentioning during the last thousands of years of recorded human history. That computer you're using, the electricity, the house you live in, the car you drive, the job you work for, the gasoline that fuels your car, the desk, the pencil, the paper and everything you use in your every day life was invented by men.
Mathematics, philosophy, science, medicine, and all of the important building blocks of modern society were created by men.
You are only to provide us men with your physical beauty. Which is the only wrorthy talent you posses besides bearing children. If you can't do that you're worthless.
Now go make me a sandwich.
(See here for the sequel.)