TheModSquad #sexist

(Sequel to this rant.)


Why women will always be attention seeking self-absorbed twats

- Women are retarded when it comes to empathy. Empathy is your brain. not in your heart of your stomach as all women believe. Look around you. we live in a world of inanimate objects. If a man took an object away because it needs repairing (because repairing shit is what men do best). a women would be heart broken. "The poor item!" she would say. "He's being taken away from all his item friends!" Women feel sorry for anything and everything. None of it makes any sense and its not interesting at all.

- Women will do everything short of sewing a giant. red A for “Attention Whore” on the clothing of other women who get their breasts enhanced. but not one of them can stop fucking with her own eyebrows. How are eyebrow pluckings any different frcm boobjobs?
Protip: Their not hot as fuck. Of all the stupid time-wasting exercises women engage in for the sake of Cosmetique, eyebrow art is by far the stupidest time-wasting thing a women can do. She is better off making a sandwich for that guy she is fucking to get a free ride for the rest of her life with.

- Women love to argue. They love to argue because its one of the few things in life where fucking up at it gets you more. Of the many ways women to argue, this is my least favourite: "You just don't understand, because it happened to me. And this is how I feel about it!” If you want to see this dynamic in action. drop the “a” word around a group of women and see what happens. You can bet your ass that half of them will say it 'happened to them’. Somehow, letting a man pay for an abortion makes a women an expert on the subject. That’s like the time I opened a dental clinic after my parents paid for my cavity filling when I was 10 years old.

- Mothers day is the most retarded day of the year. since Mothers Day was invented by Hitler to encourage breeding among the Nazi nation. It was called Muttertag. Look it up. I dare you. Muttertag was first declared official In Germany in 1933. Guess what was happening in
Germany 1933? A bunch of Nazi shit was happening. Nazi shit like das Mutterkreuz, a medal given to women who had cranked out more than eight screaming babies. Water also gives you life. but you don’t take a day every year just to pay homage to water. do you? Where's National Air Day?

- A child raised by a women on her own is lik a nonalcoholic beer you distilled by accident: Good work, you made a beer, but you left out some key incredients like reason. personal responsibility, and the ability to not get yow ass kicked every day for saying all kinds of fruity things. Hitler was raised by a single mother. That proves single handedly that men are better then women at raising chNdren.

- Women love shopping for the same reason they love talking: It wastes their time. They don’t know shit about shopping. They have no plan of attach and no philosophy. That’s why whenever you go into a store with a women to buy a crappy present for her best friend’s wedding, you always end up in the purse section or the discount rack, even though it was set to get wineglasses for her beforehand. Men, we go in to buy our shit and leave right after. Everyone goes home happy. We don't spend half our day
playing dress up.

- I feel bad for women sometimes. They can't even get good at the thing they love to do the most: spending someone else's money.

- Men on he phone is like having sex with a women who won't get you a bowl of cereal afterward- Seriously. it's just a bowl of cereal. What he fuck? It’s not that hard to get. It's not like you harvested the wheat yourself.

Also where the fuck is that sandwich I asked for last time, woman?



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