various commenters #transphobia

RE: Pentagon Begins to Implement TIP Policy in Military

( VestalVirgin )
I am mildly curious just how much money Trump's new politics will save the state. đŸ€”

He is doing a lot of shit that will cost money down the line (apparently he's appeasing Covid-deniers by stopping the funding of epidemic tracking), but trans shit is so expensive (and a "gift that keeps giving", but in reverse, from the perspective of those who have to pay for it) that I wonder if he might actually save money, in total.

( Mizuna )
You can't put a price on morale. Transgenders in the military drive down recruitment, and they make our military look like a joke. Social media is full of memes like this dunking on the US military. Do you think China or Russia find this intimidating? They're probably laughing at how far our military has fallen.

( LunarMoose )
the idea that we pay for this and don't get soldiers who are 'combat ready' is insane. That's the whole premise of signing up - to be ready to fight.

But. Please. Let me just read one article in which combat readiness is raised in the msm........

( LilianH )
The actual cost of the medial transition is probably not a huge amount considering the size of the US defence budget, but a TIP can't really fulfil the role of the soldier or be deployed so removing them from the army completely might start to save a few billions a year.

( VestalVirgin )
Yeah, it isn't just the cost of their surgeries and stuff, it is also the fact that they pay a soldier who takes a lot of time off, so isn't even working 100% at desk jobs, and isn't combat ready on top of that.



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