Léon #wingnut #racist #psycho reseau-libre.org

[Translated from “Let the 95% of assholes die, but enjoy yourself!”]

https://web.archive.org/web/20240708074739/https://reseau-libre.org/site/2024/07/08/laissez-les-95-de-connards-crever-mais-faites-vous-plaisir/ (July 8)

My friend Condor on Réseau-Libre described the situation perfectly in an article yesterday, but I think we need to be a little clearer. As I have been saying for years, the French have become a people of larvae and there are therefore 2 options: Either we take note and we decide to let it happen by simply protecting ourselves with our own, or we decide to put in tis place this herd of assholes with the only remaining methods that I'll let you imagine

The second method requires general, non-targeted attacks, based on the principle that 95% of victims are assholes and that it is therefore acceptable. Some have proposed this to me very concretely, I oppose it, not being a terrorist. Which does not prevent me from seeing with great pleasure the next “Bataclan” committed by those to whom the French give blowjobs :)

The first method is attractive, but I choose a variation: protect yourself and protect your loved ones BUT while regularly attacking not random targets among the 95% of assholes, but targets who assume their status as enemies. Condor talks about lawyers, journalists, community leaders and second-rate politicians, I agree without hesitation

We protect ourselves as a family, we have a seemingly orderly little life, we change sidewalks when faced with a herd of ragheads, and regularly we catch an enemy and neutralize him once and for all. With all the hatred he inspires in us. We slaughter him and leave him in plain sight so that he can serve as an example. A vengeance and an enormous pleasure

No need for firearms, although they are very easy to get in France. But a good kitchen knife, or even a crossbow, or even a pickaxe handle will do the job very well

Let the 95% of assholes die, but enjoy yourself! Happy hunting!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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