
Léon #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy reseau-libre.org

[Translated from “Yes, Macron must be physically eliminated”]

https://web.archive.org/web/20240529163409/https://reseau-libre.org/site/2024/05/29/oui-il-faut-eliminer-physiquement-macron/ (May 29, 2024)

Time has ended for idle discussions on the legitimacy of this scum or the legality of his mandate

Macron clearly said that Ukraine must bomb Russia[…]This is what they have been doing for a long time, but the situation will change since long-range weapons have been delivered by France, among others, allowing to reach Moscow and more distant regions. In recent days, these Western weapons have been used 3 times to attack the missile warning systems that are part of the Russian strategic nuclear complex

Macron is therefore very clearly declaring war on Russia here, and very cowardly, since he is telling the Ukrainians to go there while pretending not to want to engage France. This is yet another lie because the Russian channels regularly publish, and only yesterday published, photos of a French legionnaire killed in combat in Ukraine, against Russia

Macron is leading the country to war against Russia, nuclear weapons will be deployed very soon and we will take missiles in the face

We must therefore eliminate, physically, this rotten Macron

Let us not dream of a military putsch: the French military leaders are scoundrels interested only in their pay[…]It is also useless to wait for a few patriotic officers or NCO, this breed has disappeared. Today they are only good for sending their men to their death in Ukraine[…]
Certainly the security measures are very strict around this bastard but no shield is impossible to pierce. For example, drones are on sale over the counter[…]
Whoever succeeds in this masterstroke will be the greatest French hero since Joan of Arc[…]
PS. I sent this article to a dozen supposedly patriotic sites. No one has responded, let alone broadcast[…]They are nothing but traitors to be eliminated in the same way as Macron

Léon #wingnut #racist #psycho reseau-libre.org

[Translated from “Let the 95% of assholes die, but enjoy yourself!”]

https://web.archive.org/web/20240708074739/https://reseau-libre.org/site/2024/07/08/laissez-les-95-de-connards-crever-mais-faites-vous-plaisir/ (July 8)

My friend Condor on Réseau-Libre described the situation perfectly in an article yesterday, but I think we need to be a little clearer. As I have been saying for years, the French have become a people of larvae and there are therefore 2 options: Either we take note and we decide to let it happen by simply protecting ourselves with our own, or we decide to put in tis place this herd of assholes with the only remaining methods that I'll let you imagine

The second method requires general, non-targeted attacks, based on the principle that 95% of victims are assholes and that it is therefore acceptable. Some have proposed this to me very concretely, I oppose it, not being a terrorist. Which does not prevent me from seeing with great pleasure the next “Bataclan” committed by those to whom the French give blowjobs :)

The first method is attractive, but I choose a variation: protect yourself and protect your loved ones BUT while regularly attacking not random targets among the 95% of assholes, but targets who assume their status as enemies. Condor talks about lawyers, journalists, community leaders and second-rate politicians, I agree without hesitation

We protect ourselves as a family, we have a seemingly orderly little life, we change sidewalks when faced with a herd of ragheads, and regularly we catch an enemy and neutralize him once and for all. With all the hatred he inspires in us. We slaughter him and leave him in plain sight so that he can serve as an example. A vengeance and an enormous pleasure

No need for firearms, although they are very easy to get in France. But a good kitchen knife, or even a crossbow, or even a pickaxe handle will do the job very well

Let the 95% of assholes die, but enjoy yourself! Happy hunting!

Réseau Libre #wingnut #psycho #racist reseau-libre.org

[From “A (very incomplete) list of lawyers to be eliminated” - Translation mine]


spoilerExecution by guillotine of Urbain Liottard, Louis Berruyer and Octavive David. September 22, 1909

Note: July 4, 3:30 p.m.: The Dumbass-Moretti subversives are outraged and have already filed a complaint. Perfect ! My response to their lawsuit is already online here. Come on guys, a second lawsuit!

To be sent into a ditch or a stadium, these lawyers already declare that they do not respect the verdict of the polls in the event of a victory for the RN

These scum have formed a “Law brigade against the National Rally”, read this hilarious article!

Of course, they are not the only ones, it is the vast majority of lawyers who need to be neutralized. But let's imagine all those on this list found in a bottom of a pit or simply “disappeared”, and fear will change sides! It's high time to put things back in order!

For the record, in 2003 already the black robed vermin had filed a complaint against the sos-racaille website which had dared to publish a list of lawyers defending the vermin. The webmaster of the site was fined 12,000 euros although he was never arrested or even formally identified

History is an eternal rewinding, we are publishing a list of lawyers to be eliminated, we are not formally identified, we will not be arrested, and we may be convicted, who cares!

List of subversives
[Below is a list of name of lawyers along with the bars they're registered with]

Réseau Libre #wingnut #homophobia #racist #conspiracy reseau-libre.org

[Translated welcome page of the website]

The “Réseau Libre” site was online from 2015 to the end of 2018 and was immediately the target of all the scum of France: politicos, pederasts, immigrants, immigrationists, bobos [can also be translated as "champagne socialists"], collaborationists, Red judges, police and gendarmerie sold out to the occupying immigrant, etc

5 years later, we decided to re-open it to denounce even more strongly the vermin that is murdering France!

To avoid censorship by the French collaborationist state, we are now hosted in Russia

Knowing that access to the site could be blocked by the French Macronist gestapo, we have also opened a Telegram channel where all our articles are automatically rebroadcast

Join us! Express yourself by commenting on our articles, we ask you nothing: Neither name nor email address. And IPs are automatically anonymized

Access to the reseau-libre.org website: click here

Access to the @reseaulibre telegram channel: click here

Contact by telegram: @dgsiFrance (A quenelle to these clampins!) [The DGSI is tasked with internal intelligence]

Contact by email: reseaulibre@reseau-libre.org

Let's not let scum kill France!

V and Réseau Libre #wingnut #psycho #racist #conspiracy reseau-libre.org

[Translated from “Operation “V””]

About a month ago we received the following message[…]

I am a French patriot in my fifties revolted to see the state of my homeland. By reading you I understood that you too have become aware that no more elections will be able to restore the values of France and that only forceful action can possibly prevent a total shipwreck
But we must be realistic, faced with the dictatorial state that reigns in France, a coup of force in the current state of things cannot succeed
However, I think that it is our duty, as patriots, to punish those in France who take the side of the enemy, whether they are journalists, magistrates, elected officials, politicians and others. I am convinced that if several of them were publicly sanctioned, some fellow citizens could then realize that they are not alone. Who knows, this could then evolve into a situation where a power grab could then succeed
I am severely physically disabled, having lost an arm and a leg in a car accident, and therefore cannot act myself[…]
I am ready to finance punishment operations[…]

We had several discussions which convinced us of the seriousness and sincerity of “V”[…]

I set a target. These will be relatively easy targets to hit[…]For example, a scumbag journalist who of course I don't name before the operation. I set the amount of the punishment. For this scum it will be a solid correction then a delivery of this individual, completely naked, to a peripheral city where immigrants make the law. This will allow him to taste the famous living together that he defends so fiercely
Photos of the treated target must be taken to be sent to the media and “Group V” will claim responsibility[…]

We checked V's creditworthiness[…]The balance to date in his bitcoin account is around 300,000 euros[…]
To host exchanges between V and operators, a “V Correspondence” page has been set up. https://reseau-libre.org/site/correspondance-v/