George Lujack/Scripture Truth Ministries #fundie #racist #conspiracy

Is the Antimessiah (Antichrist) alive today in the year 2024? Scripture Truth Ministries believes that he is. Is the Antimessiah (Antichrist) Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu, Emmanuel Macron, or King Charles III of England, as some speculate? No.

Scripture Truth Ministries believes that the Antimessiah (Antichrist) was recently born, is a European Jew, and will reign for 7 years from 2055-2062.

This ministry believes that Satan has signaled the birth of the Antimessiah (Antichrist), just as God announced the birth of the Messiah (Christ) (Isaiah 9:6-7, Matthew 1:18-25). Satan is not God, but as the god of this world – a counterfeit god, he imitates some of God’s practices.
Scripture Truth Ministries believes that the Antimessiah (Antichrist) is probably the Rothschild baby boy born to Nicky Hilton Rothschild and James Rothschild in June of 2022, whose unique first name ‘Chasen’ had been withheld from the public for 22 months.

Chasen is a name meaning huntsman. Chasen sounds and spells similar to Chosen, and this baby may indeed be the chosen one.

Scripture Truth Ministries believes that the Rothschild baby boy is probably the Antimessiah (Antichrist), but not 100% sure. Israel owes its existence to the Rothschild family, and it’s very conceivable that Israel will accept a Rothschild as their Messiah. The Antimessiah (Antichrist) will be positively identified when he sits in the rebuilt temple of Israel and declares himself to be God.
Some may be disturbed that someone would speculate and post “innocent” baby pictures of who the Antimessiah (Antichrist) may be. After all, it can be emotionally reasoned that all babies are innocent. Yet we are called to watch for the signs, and this child may very well one day assume the role of the Antimessiah (Antichrist). Adolph Hitler, likewise, began his life as an innocent baby boy and afterward became the monster responsible for millions of deaths through the Holocaust and World War II.



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