TatoruzuX #racist #conspiracy #elitist #pratt twitter.com

The Chinese and Indian students never spoke with any of the American students. The Chinese students didn't even speak English. Both the Chinese and Indian students were caught and warned multiple times for copy + pasting their code and turning in the same exact projects line-for-line. And on tests, they would obviously cheat but the professors would usually turn a blind eye. There was one Chinese student who was kicked out for academic integrity reasons, but the foreign students made enough of a fuss about "racism" that it was unlikely to happen again.

I mostly ignored the Chinese and Indians and let them do their own thing. By the time I reached the 200-level Math classes required for my CS degree, the classes were filled with Indians and Chinese students who typically got by through cheating and collaborating with each other, and a couple extremely talented White dudes who actually knew what was going on.

As such, all of the Math TAs were South Asian or Chinese. Well, one day my Math professor decided to take a sabbatical for a few weeks, and he'd return for the big midterm exam. In the meantime, he put a South Asian senior student in charge of teaching the class while he was gone. She barely knew English, and I shit you not, she taught the class in Hindi. I learned nothing in class during those few weeks and there was nobody who spoke a word of English to review the homework with. Obviously, the Indian kids had no problems...

I ended up switching my major and pursued a humanities degree instead despite completing most of the CS classes that were required for a CS major.

Higher education, especially STEM, is designed to disadvantage White students. From admissions, to grants/aid, to corrupt or afraid anti-White professors, to nepotism.

Many of the Indian students in my graduating class who cheated their way to their degree were set up with post-graduate programs specifically designed to give foreign students jobs after graduation to prevent them from getting deported. Most of them don't write a single line of code at their jobs; they just manage Excel spreadsheets.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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