State of the Nation Editor #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

Super RINO & Speaker Mike Johnson
Again Exposes Himself As A Traitor To

SOTN Editor’s Note: We’re not telling anybody anything they didn’t already know; nevertheless, the stunning exposé posted below is quite shocking for the outright treason it describes of Speaker Mike Johnson.
A SIMPLE POINT OF FACT: If Trump does not immediately demand a new Speaker of the House, then that is proof positive that a deal has been cut and the conservative wing of New World Order globalist cabal will not hold the Democrat Traitors accountable for their countless crime sprees since Manchurian Candidate Barack Hussein Obama first illicitly occupied the White House.

After all, Trump is well aware of this irrefutable scathing indictment of Johnson, among many others that have been written about him (since he was first unanimously elected—HOW DOES THAT EVER HAPPEN EXCEPT BY THE ZOG?!) <Zionist Occupation Government> by the best and the brightest within the Patriot Movement.

Furthermore, as the following SOTN excerpt insinuates, Trump and Johnson may in fact form the perfect ZOG tag team, installed by the Khazarian Cabal to deliberately bankrupt the US Corporation.
KEY POINTS: There is also the distinct possibility that Trump is both point man and frontman for the cabal with the explicit mission of deceitfully corralling the entire Patriot Movement into a pen of complete and total compliance. His disturbing promotion of the crypto Pyramid-Ponzi scheme known is Bitcoin is particularly alarming, but even more so is the long leash he gives to high-level traitors like Speaker Johnson who nominally controls the power of the purse for the Khazarians who control him. And when Trump viciously attacked Texas conservative Chip Roy with a tweet like the following, you know he’s carrying water for the banksters, especially when the President-elect went on record calling for the permanent elimination of a federal debt limit—WOW!!!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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