Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
From the books i've read on the early days of Microsoft.. Billy was a narcissistic control freak, who was devious and lacked empathy.
That combined with a rare computer programming genius, placing him in the top 1% for IQ levels, equated to a toxic mix that makes Hitler look like Mr Bean.
I believe Bill Gates' Ego was seriously damaged in the early days of the internet when the Google boys secured the monopoly on Search.
Ever since then he has been plotting on how he can use his vast wealth to go one better on them, and here we are today with Bill behind a global plot to crash the world economy using his bio weapon 'Covid 19' in order to usher in a One World Government as the solution.
Basically it is a computer nerds ultimate wet dream, where they are creating the 'internet of things' where YOU and I will also be one of those 'things' via biometric implants that connect us to the ID2020 database, with the 'necessity' to monitor what vaccines we have had being one of the major justifications they will use to implement it.
Yes Bill Gates is the driving force behind ID2020 which aims to give every human a digital id, that will be the database for the GLOBAL ID biometric implant..
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Yes Bill Gates was the driving force behind Event 201 that was held 6 weeks before coronavirus went live, and yes it does perfectly simulate EVERYTHING we are now experiencing in real time...