Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

When portals are opened from the Antiverse
It swaps versions of people

The Sargasso Sea off the southeast United States is full of seaweed
Which is of high nutritional value

We are told to spray poison on wild medicinal plants
And brainwashed people obey

The Sargasso Sea is home to the Bermuda Triangle
Which is where the Plantagenet Bank is located

The Bermuda Triangle is famous for its distorted magnetic field
Project Magnet installed hydrophones to pick up on any abnormal energies

In London the ruling family is the Royal House of Plantagenets
Entities slipping through portals are pretending to be good humans

Incoming plasma otherwise known as the Holy Spirit
Is out of the control of negative life forms

Its crystal spiral dissolves artificial structures
That are enmeshed in our lightbody

The cosmic crystal spiral was Venus
Which reflected the Flower of Life

It was germinated by the continual phase pulsing of Saturn
And we retain a strong connection to it in our cellular memory

The flowering of Venus caused our nucleotides to expand
And our bioelectrical field came alive

The moon gets big and bright
Because it is trying to stop this process of union
Between the spiritual and the physical realms

If you are feeling low
It could be because an ungodly convoluted current got sent to you
And is manipulating you

The brain will mimic frequency patterns by adjusting its output
It can be hidden technological mind control

Or the sound of weed eaters and leaf blowers
Which are made to be incredibly annoying to trigger feelings of distress
Plummeting the persons neural oscillation and consciousness into lower states

This is to not only to feed off our lower energy
But a lower resonance is for the cultivation of genetic hybrids

Sculpt your life with the creative energy
According to your highest intention
Cultivate a higher level of spiritual awareness

Genetic suppression has been aggressive since Atlantean times
Well thought out plans of ongoing deception strategies
Orchestrate the mind control of humanity!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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