Kevin Downey Jr. #pratt #homophobia

Her long blonde hair was pulled into a bun to make her look sophisticated and intelligent. It was her first day of college and, for her, her first day as an adult. Also, her name was no longer Abbey. That's too girly, too "small-town Ohio." As of today, she was Abigail. Abigail the beautiful, intelligent, sophisticated adult living in New York City.

When Abigail graduated in May of 2022, she was unrecognizable. In the world of the communists—where she had spent the last four years—beauty is ugly. Make-up and pretty clothes are signs that you have too much money when others have too little. Most of Abigail's hair had been cropped off, and what was left was Ty D Bowl blue. Her multiple face piercings made her look like she had fallen face-first into Grandpa's tackle box. She wore a man's "wife beater" t-shirt because she wanted the world to see what looked like sea urchins in her armpits. And she is no longer Abigail. After a short stint as "Gail," she now insisted everyone call her "Gay," even though she was what her actual gay friends mockingly referred to as a "breeder."

Abigail was taught to hate herself, and she did. She had the cutting marks on her evil, white thigh to prove it. And like every other wealthy, white kid who goes to college to learn to hate their own race into extinction, she began directing her hatred at what she had been taught was the cause of all the world's problems: other white people like herself.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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