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The rainbow flag or pride flag is a symbol of the LGBT subversion movement that has a significant and obvious meaning to the Jews.

The Seven-color version was discontinued due to unavailability of pink fabric in 1978–1979, which is why the modern LGTBQ flag retains only six colors. The number of colors of the original design is meant to symbolize the seven-branched Jewish Menorah. The Menorah speaks of the creation of the world in seven days, and the number of bands of the rainbow is also the connection with ancient Kabbalah.

In Kabbalah, specifically in the Zohar, the appearance of the rainbow with its seven colors represents the prism of the pure light of the one (Ein Sof), which separates into the spectrum of the rainbow. Each color represents different aspects or attributes (Sefirot) through which the divine interacts with the universe.

The rainbow in Kabbalah symbolizes this process of emanation. Diversity is found in the spectrum of colors, while there's an underlying unity in the unrefracted white light of the Ein Sof. Therefore, the flag serves as a symbol of unity within diversity; this is why they chose it specifically for the LGBTQ subversion movement.

In addition, the seven colors of the rainbow symbolizes the Seven Noahide laws. The Noahide Laws, also known as the Seven Laws of Noah, are a set of universal moral principles Jews will impose on gentiles in the world to come (Olam Ha-ba).

These laws are considered the bare minimum of what God expects of humanity, and transgressions are punishable by death, specifically beheading. This concept is related to the story of Noah and the rainbow. The covenant with Noah means a new beginning, & is found in Genesis 9:8-17.
This is why the Noahide flag, which features the seven colors of the rainbow, is seen everywhere. The Jews proliferate this symbol to send a message that the world is nearing its rebirth.

For us Gentiles, the LGTBQ flag symbolizes the coming of a mass extinction event & The End Times.



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