John Branyan #crackpot #fundie #pratt


[For "National Ask-An-Atheist Day 2011]

Theists can think.

Nobody else can.

Respect for God is where wisdom begins.

Thought without wisdom is impossible.

So that’s it.

You Atheists will object.

You think you think.

I don’t believe it.

Why should I?

You offer no empirical evidence.

No proof your thoughts exists.

You say, “Show me your God!”

I say, “Show me your thought!”

Brain scans don’t cut it.

A scan just proves brain activity.

Doesn’t prove thinking.

If activity signaled origination then

…music comes from your eardrum.

But I’m already too deep.

Only the theists are still with me.

You Non-Theists are readying another volley of vitriolic vapidity:

“Do you believe in Santa Claus too?  Santa and God are the same thing!”

Oooo!  Ouch!

“There’s a multiverse!  The multiverse makes life possible!”


“People don’t need God to be moral.”


Comprehending any offered response to these statements requires thought.

That’s where you run into problems.

In place of genuine thought…

…you have skepticism.

You are skeptical of everything

…except your own skepticism.


I went too far again.

If you want to follow what I’m saying…

Wisdom is just a prayer away.

Ask God to reveal Himself and He will.

But you’re not gonna do that.

Because you think that’s stupid.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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