RE: Black female university journalist writes that it's racist for White males to exclusively date White females
70% of Black women can't get married, so no doubt this bitter hate filled old maid is boiling over with scorn when she spots normal well adjusted White people displaying a natural attraction to their own species. It isn't White peoples fault that Negro woman are so hidious that even their own species rejects them. That is what this is really about. Race mixing is unnatural, it goes against the instinct for survival. That is why the tribe is bombarding us with subliminal imagery to coerce us into doing it. It is the reason we see so many mixed race couples on TV. They are presenting it as normal behavior without the viewers being fully aware of what is going on. "By way of deception thou shalt do war." Her solution, use the magical incantation (Racism™)she learned from the tribe to make normal people feel guilty and ashamed of themselves for not conforming to the will of the Cult. This desperate race obsessed old maid is rejecting her own kind and that is why it pisses her off to see the object of her desire with White women.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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