James Esses, Elon Musk & various commenters #transphobia twitter.com

( James Esses )
Yesterday, after posting a Tweet saying that I reject the word ‘cis’ and don’t wish to be called it, I receive a slew of messages from trans activists calling me “cissy” and telling me that I am ‘cis’ “whether or not I like it”.

Just imagine if the roles were reversed.

( Elon Musk )
Repeated, targeted harassment against any account will cause the harassing accounts to receive, at minimum, temporary suspensions.

The words “cis” or “cisgender” are considered slurs on this platform.

( @SarahisCensored )
Thank you. I am a woman. I don’t need any slur added to that to determine what and who I am.

( @Concreteisland2 )
They are slurs.

They are terms created by the paedophile John Money.

They are used against women to pretend that 'trans' is just another type of woman.

'Cis' is used to propagate the lie.

There are 2 sexes and nothing more.

And nobody can change sex

( @DogeMarineP )
I reject the word cisgender as a slur primarily because its built on the lie that you can somehow be born into the wrong "gender" body, which is a complete fabrication by... well, looks like a german subjectivist pedi. Late stage civilization in dystopia vibes. The left wants subjectivism on everything they think you believe in (differing views) but demand complete objective adherance when it comes to their own view. hypocritical. Left: "If I think it, its objective fact, but ANYTHING you think is purely subjective." Subjectivism is a control tool

( @LightShiner2 )
Can we get the same treatment for "TERF"? I would say that is actually more important since that is said with hatred and not just disrespect. Either way, thanks!

( @donnasdottir )
Thank you, what about TERF, @elonmusk? Women are being called TERF and turds by german public TV broadcasters like @janboehm on this platform. Half of the german people who fund @ZDF and @ARDde are being smeared in the name of Genderideology.



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