various commenters #transphobia

RE: Why isn’t any mainstream media covering the WPATH files?

( Demeter )
I remember googling something about the he ACLU and there were literally 3 pages of links before I could find anything else, much less an opposing viewpoint. A decent subsection of TiMs are mega smart* and they cooperate. They are tech savvy and weaponize autism in ways our side could only dream of. We don't even have a sub for strategy on Ovarit** that's private for users, much less voice verified .. we're all in a fishbowl with handmaidens and TiPs at our backs taking notes.
*The top 8 richest men are predominantly on the spectrum, like a high percentage of TiMs.[...]

( Mizuna )
It's predictable. When confronted with a story that goes against The Narrative, the corporate media pattern is:

Ignore ___ until it can't be ignored any longer. [We are here].

__ is a far right conspiracy theory.

Okay, ___ is real, but it's not what you think.

Here's why ___ is a good thing.

( crodish )
This made me laugh because I just saw a video of a TRA male getting quizzed by Billboard Chris over "no one is giving gender medicine to kids". The TRA started out "it's not happening". Chris showed him a video with proof and backed up stats. TRA changed his position to "it's not that bad". One minute more of arguing later and it became "it's actually good that kids HAVE access to these surgeries" (paraphrasing).

Also JKR recently tweeted a gif of a goalpost moving on a soccer field in response to GCs talking about TRAs doing just that. 🤣

( Yarrowheart )
This is a truly terrifying trend. I know it has always been this way to a certain extent, but before you could at least find counterpoints to the narrative. Now, anything but The Narrative does not exist. If people don't hear about it in the media, and going online to find information only yields The Powers That Be's officially approved sources that bolster the narrative... Then it doesn't exist otherwise to people. This is an extremely dangerous path that society is on. It ultimately makes it low hanging fruit for atrocities to be committed in relative silence.



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