femlez34 , proudcatlady & actualdyke #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: The only question we need to ask TRAs

( femlez34 )
Their response is that "trans women" are magically incapable of criminal activity. If you believe in the oppression olympics, it's only cis white straight Christian males who are capable of wrongdoing, everyone else is only ever a victim. It doesn't matter if you tell them that 50% of TIMs are in jail for committing sex crimes, then they'll say "well, those aren't trans women then, they must be cis men pretending to be trans women". Then you can respond, "okay, well if cis male sex predators are so good at convincing prison wardens and doctors and judges that they're 'real trans women', what's going to keep them out of women's public bathrooms and locker rooms?"

Ultimately it doesn't matter what a person's gender soul is if the result is the same. TRA's will never concede that TIMs aren't women, the best we can do is get them to concede that the result is increased violence against women and children. The TIMs themself of course don't care, any number of women raped is acceptable collateral damage for one man's fetish fulfillment, but most reasonable liberals won't agree.

( proudcatlady )
They think men are more violent to transwomen than to actual women. They will tell you that with a straight face.

( actualdyke )
the true answer that they don't wanna say out loud: they know males are dangerous, they're just willing to sacrifice women and unwilling to sacrifice TIMs.



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