I heard an incel somewhere say that Isla vista 2014 never happened, the whole story was fake, no mass murder ever happened and that Elliot Rodger got plastic surgery and is living as a millionaire on some remote island. What do you guys think?
I once saw a Sandy Hook documentary. They explained in great detail why the shooting seemed heavily staged. Crisis actors, lack of triage, et cetera...
Adam Lanza's photos appear to be digitally generated.
Well there is a pic of ER at a party and someone on here said it's proof he's still alive and the shooting was faked
It was a power transfer operation from men to feminazis organized by the deep state with help of Mossad. ER, now with his new face transfered from a Chad victim, is enjoying prime blonde JB puss on the Epstein island with Epstein himself and Ghislaine Maxwell's mommy milkers.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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