Kami K Kennedy #wingnut #conspiracy #transphobia facebook.com

This is a another D$666 "TRICK" TONIGHT. THIS is my avitar over this person's face, for confidentially issues, AN so KEK CAN SEE 🤑 what a real B???? 🧙‍♀️ she / HE ( The Tran~ man 👨 W#@re of The Great Awakening, truly IS!!) 👍 This is NOT MY KEK, BUT trying to protect thus guy. D$666 is probably f?????g this poor guy, HE begged me NOT TO SHAR HIS PIC, SO I COVERED HIS FACE !!! GITMO has The XMAS ONLY CURE FOR THESE PSYCHO FR33K$. Bye Bye Erica M Bur3$h. (cs) I know .....🎯🎯



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