Anybody else want a wife that would take care of you and dote on you in a motherly sort of way?
Maybe I'm weird or whatever, but I don't like modern relationship dynamics. The man has to be an island and a solitary mountain, providing and being a stoic hero while the woman is taken care of and takes care of the kids while ignoring the husband.
Nowadays you probably can't find something like this, and for me much less, seeing as I not only am a bald fat fuck but I also have no friends and I literally don't know any women at all. But I would like a woman that would take care of me, love me etc...
I don't like modern relationship dynamics. The man has to be an island and a solitary mountain, providing and being a stoic hero while the woman is taken care of and takes care of the kids while ignoring the husband. Those are not modern relationship dynamics! That is the traditional patriarchy you guys idolise so much and whose passing you lament!
"Maybe I'm weird or whatever, but I don't like modern relationship dynamics."
Says the guy who's never been in a relationship...
Dude, they're not legislated. You build your own dynamic with whoever you are with. Of course, if you go into it with the idea that porn and TV are real, it's a short dynamic
To be fair, most Incels actually couldn’t care less about the traditional family structure, hell, most of them are so misogynystic that I can’t see any woman standing them (and also vice versa) for more than a day. They usually are all about getting their dicks wet and crying about not getting supermodels to fuck for free.
I mean, sure, this guy obviously is still a whiny idiot who should think about what HE actually wants to bring into his dream relationship aside from his dick, but at least he seems to not be actively malicious for now. Being on doesn’t bode well for his future though…
I don’t want a wife doting on me in a motherly sort of way, I have a mother for that (and I don't lean that way).
Most people probably find it creepy that the Veep allegedly calls his wife “Mother”. (Talking about her to your children, sure. Talking to her when the children are not around – here’s where it’s getting creepy.)
Why do you want to be solitary? That’s a poor relationship.
I’m an adult, I don’t need to be taken care of, and we have no kids to take care of. Why should I ignore my husband? I care for him; give him breakfast in bed on weekends, cook him meals, wash his clothes, etc.
Nowadays, you probably can’t find anyone wanting that kind of “relationship”.
Most guys become "bald fat fucks" sooner or later. All sane women know this about you.
We hope that most sane men also know that most women become gray-haired, menopausal fat fucks sooner or later, too.
That's life; if you want a long-term relationship, that's what you get.
Anybody else want a wife that would take care of you and dote on you in a motherly sort of way?
Hestitantly raises hand I mean, don’t get me wrong. It’s not like I want to be babied or even have an oedipus complex or something. Or even roleplay any of that. But yeah, I think strong maternal instincts are attractive, and to be honest, I think I’m more suited to be a devoted houseman to a hard-working woman than vice versa.
Don’t judge me, okay?
Thanks for that. As proud as I am of those beliefs in private, I’m kinda ashamed to admit them in public because it’s not something most “alpha male macho’s” these days would accept. They’d probably consider me a beta male and not worth listening to. The patriarchy hurts both ways, I’m afraid.
Honestly, my ideal (realistic) life would just be spending it all with my soul mate, enjoying each other’s existence (if nothing else), she works hard (but not too often away), while I spend my days at home, supporting her and trying to pursue a career as a semi-professional writer… Unfortunatly, I haven’t found my soul mate yet and am still lacking in the inspiration to write something decent. But it’s that dream and hope that helps me get through stuff, you know?
…Sorry for boring you with this.
....that's not he modern dynamic. That's the traditional one though the wife is expected to look after the home and family, including the husband. The husband is expected to be stoic and self sufficient if not married...
Gender dynamics are weird.
Mmmmm, so basically, you don’t want to participate in a relationship of equals, you want someone who basically acts like your mom but you get to boss around.
"Honestly, my ideal (realistic) life would just be spending it all with my soul mate, enjoying each other’s existence (if nothing else), she works hard (but not too often away), while I spend my days at home, supporting her and trying to pursue a career as a semi-professional writer…"
That sounds pretty similar to what I'd like, myself. Having my husband work at a conventional job while I stay home working on less certain things like my writing or tinkering with homemade video games. Ah, that sounds nice. I wouldn't even mind doing more of the household chores on top of that if I got to make my own schedule. Keeping to an imposed schedule stresses me out quite a lot. And, I'm never going to have kids, so I don't have to worry about all the extra work of being a mother. Of course, getting back to the OP, a man who wants me to take care of him had better be willing to take care of me too.
@Spacewyrm @Timjer
Heh, oddly enough this is almost perfectly my life for the last decade. Though I’m no writer but I took odd IT jobs before, in Poland and nowadays I work at a local pride store as a volunteer, I used to do most of the chores before my back got really bad, so now he helps me out on weekends, as much, as he can, but otherwise, yeah, it’s that. The dream is most definitely real and achievable.
Meh. It's not even that far out on the kink scale, you know? He wants, or thinks he wants, someone he can be safely vulnerable around, someone who can protect him.
What he needs to do is work on meeting people so that he can find someone to work out a relationship with.
Congratulations on identifying a glaring flaw in what people mistakenly think of as the model for a standard relationship: That it's a howling emotional void that simply divvies up tasks in a shallow summation. But relationships are not a one way affair. If you take more than you give either emotionally or in physical practice then it is doomed. If you simply want to be pampered forever there is nothing emotionally fulfilling in that any more than in the nightmare fantasy of mutual exploitation and sexual slavery that incels envision but I'll at least say on the surface it's less insanely abusive and contemptuous of human individuality by comparison.
You're running with the wrong crowd if you ever want to find a healthy relationship. Get out while you can. Meet people, real people, without making the mistake of subconsciously itemizing a list of "uses" and expectations for them. Don't have ulterior motives for everything, just get to know people and don't crowbar them into the role you want them to take.
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