thinking… #wingnut
Liberalism is a mental disorder and virus tards are now acting like liberals
Liberals want the 2nd amendment abolished because they fear a criminal will shoot them so disarm the law abiding.
Liberals can't tolerate any opinions but their own so shut down free speech.
Liberals need "safe spaces".
Liberals want a totalitarian nanny state.
Liberals want forced vaccination because fear of getting sick.
Virus tards consist of liberals and right wingers who have lost their damn minds.
Virus tards, who could just stay home because they're scared, insist we all lose our first amendment right of freedom of of assembly.
Virus tards now demanding total global shutdown and destruction of economy so the rest of us can't live because of their fear.
Virus tards pushing "shelter in place" (safe spaces).
Virus tards demanding totalitarian state.
Virus tards will line up for vaccine and demand YOU get it because they're scared.
See the similarities? I'm not giving up my freedom for any of you assholes. You'll probably manage to starve us all to death, though, but that's better than a virus killing .00000064% of the population. Better to starve 100 million than a tiny fraction get COVID19.