(di butler)
Why are people from Tanzania even *in* the US, to begin with? For what reason could America need people from an extremely violent, backward country where the mean IQ is 68?
Same reason they are in Sweden and Finland. The goal is to eliminate any White areas. Once White areas are gone, White people will be gone. This is why the globalists are so angry at countries that resist such as Hungary and Poland.
Britain. A multicultural country with people from various African countries.
Why are people from Poland here in the UK not going back there...?!
There's a couple of Eastern European food stores down Spring Bank here in Hull.
Spring Bank is the mainly Muslim immigrant district.
Hungary and Poland
Behold , based Polska resisting the the globalist-orchestrated population replacement:
In 2017, the last year for which figures are available, Poland issued more visas to foreign workers than any other country in Europe. Eighty-five percent of them went to people from Ukraine — a predominantly white, Christian country — looking for work.
Despite official warnings to stay away, foreigners have flocked to a booming economy. Most are Ukrainians, for whom the fact that Poland has a language and culture similar to their own is a bonus. Much smaller numbers of Belarussians, Moldavans, Indians, and Nepalis are also choosing to move to the country.
A glance around any Polish city suggests that process has already started — and 2019’s newcomers aren’t just Ukranians. It’s become common to see South Asian Uber Eats couriers cycling around Polish cities delivering food. Games of cricket have sprung up in city parks. “The last time I was in Warsaw, I took three Ubers and the drivers were Tunisian, Ukrainian, and Georgian. It's a huge change, even three years ago this would be unimaginable," said Tilles, of the Pedagogical University of Kraków.
Squirm, anti-Whites, and gaze upon even baseder Magyarország guarding the gates of Aryan Europe and bravely holding the Tatar and Saracen hordes at bay:
At the same time, Budapest has been quietly offering residence permits to non-EU nationals, providing successful applicants and their families visa-free access to the EU’s Schengen area in exchange for €300,000 spent on specially designed Hungarian government bonds.
“This is the cheapest offer in Europe,” the company says on its website, adding that it takes less than two months to process an application. “Hungary stands out from the crowd with its easy, fast, safe program,”said Laszlo Gaal, managing director of Residency Bond Program on the company website.
The Hungarian residence permit scheme is being marketed by authorized companies in countries including China, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States. “Europe has never been so accessible!”said the promotional materials of VolDan, the company authorized to sell the residency bonds in the Balkans and former Soviet countries.
I don’t think you and I have the same definition of the word “resist”, Ramsey.
di butler: “Why are people from Tanzania even *in* the US, to begin with? For what reason could America need people from an extremely violent, backward country where the mean IQ is 68?”
RAMZPAUL (greatly annoyed, to a third person): “What do you mean what evidence do I and di butler have that the mean IQ in Tanzania is 68?? It’s a country of AFRICAN BLACKS!!! See?”
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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