@BadAssTexan , @WWAPD & @DeanWWG1WGA1776 #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #racist gettr.com

She's not wrong.

Satan is behind gender mutilation of children.

Satan loves abortion.

Satan loves the destruction of our schools where he has free reign.

Churches have been infiltrated. @EnjoyTheD

MTG is absolutely right. The same church leadership that is too weak to speak out against homosexuality, child trafficking, CRT and gender brainwashing of elementary school students is too weak to oppose our country being overrun by invaders. Look at the damage the churches that brought Somali refugees to the Minneapolis area have caused.

Satanist butchered the Bible . 700 stories they chose 60 to edit modify and fit there agendas . shame they forgot to take the flat earth out before nasa spun there ball earth in 1583 by pope 3rd . the year after they made the cagorian callender . Its God's Earth . a clue is in one Religon called the ROMAN catholic church . then jesuits invaded it in 1841 . became a child abusing Nazi cult run by a Jesuit freak in red shoes



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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