American Hypnotist #wingnut #fundie #magick #conspiracy

The question is: what’s the point of it all?

It's exactly the way that they put it in the Matrix—it’s about control. The aim of evil can be summed up with the word control. Not control for an agreed upon, beneficial purpose, but for its own sake. In the absence of genuine authority, control for its own sake is completely synonymous with the concept of slavery.

Is it logical or sensible for a truly omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent being to engage in the practice of slavery?

Common sense tells us that any deity who endorses slavery cannot be one and the same deity who gave us free will and dominion over the Earth. It’s a fundamental contradiction in terms. Therefore, we can say with total certainty that any group or society that practices slavery cannot simultaneously be serving God or following anything remotely resembling real Law.

One of the goals of socially engineering society into a secular worldview is to eliminate “teleology”, which is the study of implicit purposes to things. As we will see, this was necessary to spiritually disarm the masses.
We might all agree that theft, slavery, and murder are bad, but if nothing in creation has any intrinsic meaning, then what of it? Beyond their significance to the people effected, such atrocities mean nothing in the grand scheme of things without any association to a valid telos (aka purpose) that imparts transcendent/teleological significance to them.

If indeed it is God’s Will that mankind be free, then to thwart the freedom of mankind is to work against the self-selected telos of God.
Two of the biggest lies humanity has ever been told are:

1) that we are just physical beings who got here purely by an accident of chemistry and evolution; and

2) that the wasteful, sadistic “powers that be” have a valid claim to authority.

The real truth is God is the true source of all authority (which He never gave to a bunch of parasitic elites who fetishize things like cannibalism and blood sacrifice).



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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