Iceberg of Trans Lore- Where are you?
Okay, so let’s do a TERF iceberg. I think the original TERFs would be pretty deep since they were both the fringe of the misandrist fringe of feminism and pretty disturbing due to explicitly desiring eradication. The very buttom would be people like Femitheist Divine. And we should definitively include some entries about their Alt-Right connections .
The least appealing iceberg I’ve ever seen, and I’m speaking as someone who really loves this type of content. TERFs can’t meme.
@Bastethotep #121654
That would be at least a 1000x better theme for an iceberg than this, considering the amount of insanity Ovarit alone had produced and not even counting the rest. Though, I have to say, it could be bit hard to wade through, since for something like that I can easily imagine at least 20 or so bottom levels.
is it really an iceberg if you know these things exist and are part of (your idea of) trans lore?
Transphobia would be more authentically an ‘iceberg.’ The top sticking out, all shiny in the sunlight, claims of what ‘the science’ says, down beneath are
-severe ignorance of the actual definitions of fetish, transgender, homosexuality,
-Severe ignorance of history, science, the Constitution
-hateful evangelical influences of right/wrong/icky
I’m guessing that this is supposed to be ordered from “superficially positive” (from their perspective) to “utter horror”? In which case I’m baffled by the placement of some of these. Why, for example, is “younger trans women currently have a thing for kneesocks” on the same level as “cosmetic mastectomies (teetus deletus)”? And for that matter, why do kneesocks in particular matter, and not, say, catgirl hairbands, or blåhaj? Why are fujoshis supposedly so scary? I mean I’ve read m/m erotica and it didn’t turn me into a transman, it’s mostly a straight woman thing as far as I know. Why is “male rapists in women’s prison” (ignoring the incorrectness of this) higher on the list and not on one of the bottom two layers? And so on.
Though I do find it amusing is one of the most horrifying things of all is people who thoroughly reject the concept of gender altogether, at least for themselves (neutrois, listed as “gender nullification surgery”).
Sex education? They're seriously putting sex education on there? Have they gone full Q and think that sex education is just another word for a teacher personally buttfucking their students, or what?
And what does proana have to do with trans people? Most proana people I've seen are young cis teen girls.
Gay fanfiction? What the hell?
@Speakeasy #121713
It’s reminiscent of creationists who define “evolution” as “everything scientific that contradicts a literal reading of Scripture!”
So they refer to things like geology, astronomy and abiogenesis as parts of evolution.
@Conscience #121775
I wasn’t even trying for a comprehensive list. All suggestions are welcome, but it’s not something i want to dedicate much time or headspace to.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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