Henry Makow, PhD #sexist #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #racist henrymakow.com
Men and women are the victims of a cruel hoax. They are taught that sexual differences are "socially conditioned." Ironically this lie is the actual "social conditioning". Sexual differences are inborn. Sex roles express natural differences and form the spice of life.
Feminism's Marxist principles of "equality" do not apply to loving heterosexual relationships and are in fact toxic. Heterosexual marriage is based on the exchange of female worldly power for male power expressed as love. Equal power neuters both sexes.
Feminism was organized by the US Communist Party, the CIA and the elite media, all instruments of the central bankers. It is funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. The purpose is to undermine society and deliver it to Communism.
I get email from feminists who say my articles are "hurtful." It's eerie how they all use that word and repeat the party line. I think it's "hurtful" that the super rich want to take the place of God and nature and enslave humanity. But these feminists don't get it. They don't get "A"'s for connecting feminism with the Rockefellers, Sept. 11 and Iraq, i.e. Cabalist banker Dictatorship.
Feminism is designed to make women feel unworthy for devoting their lives to the people they love. It forces them out of the house where their employers can control them. It forces infants into joyless daycares subject to conditioning and who-knows-what-else.
The occult assault on gender and the nuclear family is causing psychological dislocation. Masculine and feminine energy complement each other. We naturally crave that essence which is best found in marriage and conjugal sex. Society is oblivious to this diabolical attack by its traitorous elite.