The FDA is a pay-to-play drug cartel that needs to be fully abolished. When the same organization that approved heavily addictive opioids for usage is blocking the prescription of a non-harmful and non-addictive drug like ivermectin—it is because they are irrevocably corrupt.
Okay. Submit a paper to "The Lancet" & "British Medical Journal" showing how your 'alternative' is better than that approved by the FDA: certainly for use here in Britain.
Trust me, Candarse: the fact that there's an extremely good reason why human pharmacies don't dispense horse paste here is the least of your problems.
You couldn't handle the lethal effects of humiliation as the British Medical Association pointed & laughed you into oblivion.
Bitch, Purdue was a heavy Republican donor and Republican lawmakers were all too happy to rent out favours! You’re pointing at your own side’s wrongdoing and claiming a moral high ground for it! And when blame for opioid addiction and aggressive over-prescription was deflected onto the poor souls who “asked their doctor” as morally repugnant addicts who supposedly knew full well what they were doing Republicans jumped on that moral bludgeoning bandwagon and tried to find ways to blame liberals and progressives who would rather treat addiction as a medical issue rather than as grounds for public shaming and crucifixion in the name of yet another fake moral crusade. Something Jim Banks tried to swerve to just this month in a lousy attempt to duck admitting COVID is a thing.
And Ivermectin is FDA approved as a horse dewormer it just isn’t approved to treat COVID because it doesn’t do a damned thing to COVID because COVID is not worms and horse medicine is not for humans. As much as you act the horse’s ass you are not a horse. If you won’t listen to reason I’ll use a line from Trump of all people: Babies aren’t little horses. A glass of water is non harmful and non-addictive, it does just as much as your horse paste to cure COVID, why not get that FDA approved instead? At least it won’t give people the shits. Or maybe it will, you Americans aren’t very good at keeping your sources of potable water pollution free.
I’m pretty sure you could get a prescription for it if you actually got something for which it is indicated. Fortunately, parasitoses are pretty rare for humans in the developed world.
@Creativerealms #110941
To be fair, "Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic drug” is not in itself the strong refutation people seem to think it to be. Substances can very well have more than one physiological effect and thus several completely different pharmacological applications. For instance, Thalidomid (Contergan), the infamous 50s/60s calming/sleeping pill recommended to pregnant women that turned out not to be good for pregnancy at all, is also the most potent medication against leprosy, and also effective against certain forms of cancer - just never to be used by pregnant women or without contraception (tragically, when it was first introduced as a leprosy medication in Brazil, many analphabetic women misinterpreted the “do not use while pregnant” pictogram to mean it was an anti-baby pill, resulting in a new wave of phokomelia and eventual tighter regulation on its distribution).
To expand on Bastethotep’s post, a very early study done on cell cultures before the pandemic went global did show ivermectin having a significant effect on certain viruses, including covid-19. However, it was noted that the dosage used in that trial was well above fatal levels. In actual human trials, at safe doses, there was no notable effect. It’s a case of the dose making the poison, and the level which kills viruses also kills nearly everything else.
Honestly, sometimes I think we should stop publishing “interesting results” which don’t necessarily mean what they might suggest, because stupid people are going to misinterpret things badly. Not that it will completely stop this from happening, but at least it’s easier to point out how idiotic they’re being when they eat garbage-dump dirt or drink pee, and they’ll have a harder time convincing people who are less stupid but desperate.
Oh Candace, didn’t you get the memo? Horse dewormer is sooo last year! This year, as a Good™, God™-Fearing Trumpist, you have to drink piss .
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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