Various Commenters #sexist

B-b-but what about men??

( La_Terfa )

Men are demonized as these cruel creatures with no feelings.

Yes. Good.

( Gladys_Kravitz )
Suddenly telling the truth is seen as being "demonized."

( SecondSkin )
This is why equality is a useless term. Feminism was supposed to be about women’s liberation from patriarchal dominance and male violence. It wasn’t about equality, it was about freedom from the hierarchy that keeps us the objects of male entitlement.

Men as a class have all the power. They can fix whatever ‘equality’ problems they have. They have every opportunity and all the power to fix themselves. ‘Gender equality’ needs redefined back to what it was always intended to be about -liberating women, and NOTHING about men.

( assigned_terf_at_birth )
Well said, sister.



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