Thomas Horn/Cris D. Putnam #fundie #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy

In every generation, when dangers gather, there is a group of men and women courageous enough to confront evil and inform the populace.

Sometimes unpleasant truths need to be presented; most of us would rather stand back and kick a toe in the dirt.

Someone else is courageous enough to tell us the truth. Tom Horn & Friends research, publish, and speak about some of the most important topics of our time. Pandemonium’s Engine is the vehicle through which Tom and an elite team of commentators are informing a still-sleeping public about radical changes coming to our culture…very soon.

In particular, the technological advances that have brought us to the doorstep of life-altering realities are such that the man-on-the-street is struggling to make sense of our world.

The book you are about to read is a landmark offering, making such issues as “transhumanism” compelling reading. A shadowy world of intrigue, power-grabs, and seismic changes in daily life is the stuff of sci-fi movies. Yet the authors contributing to Pandemonium’s Engine show us in disturbing detail that these mind-blowing technologies are quite real.
For example, Cris D. Putnam writes in “Christian Transhumanism: Pandemonium’s Latest Ploy”:

“Transhumanism is a transnational technocratic trend that promises to break through human biological limitations by radically redesigning humanity.”

Sound like a campy Star Trek episode, or a movie plot from Stanley Kubrick?

As a matter of fact, they are, but rooted in present reality. Change agents in our world are working feverishly to harness the powers of human ingenuity, to wreak havoc on our way of life.
All these authors, and several more, provide a searing report on just how ambitious the builders of the New Babel really are. Pandemonium’s Engine will stun you.

That’s good. You need to wake up. History shows that those who make reasonable preparations are much better equipped to deal with colossal changes than those who prefer to fully trust their handlers.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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