1. Women are entitled to our own identity. Males claiming to be women are appropriating our identity.
You do not speak for all women.
You don’t even speak for all cis women.
Many cis women disagree deeply with your assertion and its implied meanings.
But you don’t really want women to decide, even cis women. Because if it’s left to them just like that, they may decide something you don’t like. They may even… accept trans women and AMAB enbies in their midst.
And we can’t have that, now can we?
No, what you mean is that you gender-criticals should decide for all women, because only you know what’s in their best interests.
How… downright patriarchal of you.
Anyway… you only speak for TERFs, AKA gender-criticals. And you, as well as the rest of your gender-ideologue cult, are entitled to nothing.
2. Women’s rights, spaces, institutions, sports, quotas, and honors are for women only, not males claiming to be women/non-binary.
Unlike you, I do not claim to speak in the name of all of those I consider to be my people. That would be arrogant and presumptuous of me — but that’s not something you TERFs can understand, given how you invariably see yourselves as the designated spokesmen for all ‘true’ women and their interests.
I can, however, speak for myself.
As I have spoken about multiple times on the site where I’m posting this, I am quite willing to consider the anxieties, fears, doubts and views of women who might not be thrilled to share space with me as a trans woman. That includes making some personal sacrifices for the sake of it. For the sake of cisgender women’s comfort and peace of mind.
I have respect for them and their traumas.
I do not, however, respect gender-critters or what they stand for.
When it comes to your kind, my view is simple: You get nothing. You deserve nothing. You get to dictate… nothing.
There is a metaphorical table for difficult discussions which need to be had. But those seats at the table? They are not for you. Not now, not ever, not when it comes to anything.
Every single claim you stake, every demand and assertion of yours… the only thing they’re good for is to be summarily thrown out.
3. Males claiming to be women/non-binary must negotiate with other males for acceptance, space, and accommodations. Trans-identified male and male non-binary are recognized as variant male identities.
Your ‘point’ is hereby denied with extreme prejudice.
I will say this, though: as far as I’m concerned, you TERFs don’t get a right to negotiate anything with anyone.
When it comes to your kind, my ‘creed’ has not four points, but only one: The only thing I’ll accept from your cult is your unconditional surrender.
4. People have a right to publicly criticize trans ideology, pro-trans organizations, captured institutions, and trans advocates for sexism, misogyny, homophobia, and identity appropriation.
You already have that so-called “right”, and you use it profusely.
But what you really want is not a right, but a privilege to say whatever the hell you want, wherever the hell you want, with no consequences or meaningful opposition.
And, of course, your ridiculous demand for impunity is hereby denied.
NOTE: Edited to change "men" to "males."
Yes, because that totally doesn’t say ‘pettiness’.