Brother Nathanael #racist #wingnut #conspiracy
What You Can’t Sell To Jews
How many Jews does it take to sell you something you don’t want?
All of them.
How many goys does it take to sell the same poo back to the Joo?
One or two.
Smack the goy in the face a hundred times and he still does nothing.
I am all in for a teaching on what to sell back to the Jews to leave them blushing.
Start with:
“VAX The Jews!”
They sunk the needle into every goyisha sucker for a year and more.
Let’s do another population control to bring the number of Hebes below 1% and make their yiddishee arms and pores swell up really sore.
Jewish Supremacy is our biggest threat.
How Auntie Semitee to even think it!
Don’t care.
Sell the deadly VAX back to the Jew and give him a taste of his own pharmaceutical.
Carry on with:
“Bus The Jews!”
Bus those yiddee kiddees to shwartza neigborhoods.
They sell busing to White Christians, but busing the Yids?
They ain’t buying.
Make them buy, they make us.
Follow through with:
“Open Borders For IsraHell!”
Everyone should be welcome in Jew Land!
Bring in Arabs, Bedouins, Ethiopians, Yemenites, Shiites, Sunnis, Falashas, Negroes, Sudanese, and let’s have real diversitee in Yidishee land!
Crash their borders!
They do it to America, Europe, and all White Christian nations.
Sell it back to the kike.
Let him have all the “strength” of “diversity” he gives the goy.
Take all guns out of Jew-ish hands!
Start with Israel, then go door to door in kosher neighborhoods and give them brochures that say:
“Jews Must Give Up Their Guns!”
Better run.
The cops, paid off by the Yids, will throw your arse in jail.
Rather sell this one:
“Abort Jewish Babies!”
Pro-choice works both ways.
“Eliminating a spoonful from the womb,” instead of Whites, makes the Supremacist population go down.
Put the Jewish narrative through its paces.
Whatever they sell to us, sell it back to them.
Disarm the Jews, abort the Jews, diversify the Jews, miscegenate of Jews, open borders for Jew land, censor the Jews.
Many people are not yet free of thinking Jews are ‘extra special.’