No one can answer why we subsidize Canada to the tune of over $100,000,000 a year? Makes no sense! Many Canadians want Canada to become the 51st State. They would save massively on taxes and military protection. I think it is a great idea. 51st State!!!
I’m no Canadian myself, but I’m pretty sure most of them would say “over our cold dead corpses”.
Seriously, the USA is barely a functioning nation by itself at this point; which excessive crime, poverty, corruption, and extremely divided. How in the actual FUCK does DT think he’s going to annex Canada without problems and without making an enemy out of Great Britain and other allies!? Not to mention what does he plan to do with all french-speaking Canadians? Deport them?
I can't believe he said that! When since the election, I have been saying that at least we're not the 51st state.
Oh well, the last war with Canada didn't go well for the Americans... lucky it was over 2 centuries ago.
“No one can answer why we subsidize Canada to the tune of over $100,000,000 a year?”
Subsidize? OH! You mean all trade that doesn’t make YOU richer.
“Many Canadians want Canada to become the 51st State.”
THey would lose universal healthcare. NO ONE wants OUR healthcare, dumbass.
"They would save massively on taxes"
And pay four times as much for their insurance.
“and military protection.”
Well, we would get poutine on the menu on subs….
“I think it is a great idea. 51st State!!!”
It’s a stupid idea and a dumb joke. Also, you’d get a few million socialists voting in the midterms.
I just love how the rebuttals are all, “dude, we tried that, it was called the War of 1812, they responded by walking all the way to the capital and burning down the Presidential Mansion.
While Drunk. ”
As if Donald knows anything about history.
And yeah, it was actually the British that burned the Presidential Mansion (we weren't confederated until 1867) but that seems to be the only Canadian military victory Americans know.
Meanwhile, Passchendaele, the Dieppe, the Somme, Vimy Ridge, the Netherlands, Normandy…
We've been fighting and dying on godforsaken, mud-soaked plots of foreign soil for 109 years. Does he honestly think we won't do the same for our own godforsaken, mud-soaked plot of soil?
@Timjer #213697
Even China might attempt to use the opportunity to be a hero... Trump really appears to be ushering the end of the US, eroding the power and influence it has in the world (anti-NATO, anti-EU, anti-UN, anti-Canada, pro-Putin...)
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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