various commenters #transphobia

RE: Shower thoughts about the "gENiTal cHEckS" in bathrooms

( OwnLyingEyes )
The thing about this as much as anything is they're telling on themselves. We're not pushing for or even floating the idea of 'genital checks;' what they're saying however is that if they're restricted or banned from a space, women's sports, whatever, that they have every intention of not honoring that women don't fucking want them there. Them whining about hypothetical genital checks is them broadcasting that they'll continue to do their best to sneak in, cheat, and just generally continue to act like the center-of-their-own-universes narcissists that they are, that being unequivocally unwelcome isn't a dealbreaker for them.

And that, lurkers, is why we're sick of your shit. That's what makes you assholes, that's WHY YOU'RE EVEN LESS WELCOME THAN NORMAL MEN AT THIS POINT. Because you have zero respect for our privacy, our boundaries, our consent. Because RIGHT HERE, even as you play the victim, you signal that if you're told no you'll continue to treat it as a yes until you're forcibly stopped.

( GenZ-ProWoman )
TIMs (especially AGP imo) self-select themselves into being some of the most invasive and creepy of male people.

( dotconnectr )
The correct answer to "genital checks" or the question of whether or not a TIM passes is "I DON'T CARE" because ALL men must be excluded from female spaces, no matter how they dress, or what hormones they take, or what surgery they may, or may not, have had.

( shewolfoffrance )
I think "genital checks" are more of a fantasy than a fear for TiMs. God knows, they love talking about their girldicks.

( Researcher1536 )
They usually have a humiliation fetish, so of course they'd want this to happen. They'd pop a euphoria b*ner.

( Philogynist )
My feelings too. The "TERFS want to perform genital checks on everybody before entering bathrooms, especially poor trans people!" seems like either 1) they actually have this fetish/fantasy, or 2) they have past sexual trauma and are passing along their fear-mongering paranoia.

( Owlskye )
Exactly. They’ll cry about being persecuted but it’s their biggest wet dream.



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