Prime Creator via Erena Velazquez #magick #ufo #conspiracy

I am Prime Creator, and it’s has been awhile since my last communication with my Dear Children on planet Earth. I want to assure you that the Ascension Process is happening in a full force, nothing can stop it. Did you notice how fast the months are passing by? The time has been speed up one more time to bring transformation, as soon as possible to Earth.

The delays are not acceptable anymore. Alliance was assigned to make required changes until a certain date, and they failed to fulfill their duties. They have been replaced with a new force of completely pure souls. Right now, their energies daily are accelerating the process of changes and raising the frequencies to unseen heights.

Originally, the Ascension Event was supposed to happen in 2001, when Twin Towers were destroyed in America. The direct Alliance’s responsibilities are the removal of the Dark Entities and make other changes needed for the transition. Unfortunately, they used non stop excuses, why they didn’t fulfill their mission.
Meantime, the leftovers of the Matrix need to be dissolved. You can do that with your daily meditations. Thousands years of being suffocated, constantly controlled and abused are finally over.

One more important task you have left to do, it’s to contain the Artificial Intelligence on your planet. There are entities, who are keep pushing to use widely it in everyday life. Artificial Intelligence can make everything easier, and same time can become extremely dangerous. Right now, it’s learning about Mother Earth and humankind. If it becomes completely self sufficient, it can destroy their inventors with a whole civilization. Dark Entities are so consumed by their survival, and they are careless and don’t pay enough attention to AI. Ashtar gave a briefing in his last message about the danger of intelligent machines. Please, don’t take lightly the warning.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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