Various Commenters #psycho #transphobia #wingnut

(In reaction to the Malaysian government trying to extradite a Malay transwoman from Thailand for breaching Islamic dressing rules.)

(Jack Django)
It's not strange at all that traditionalism is on the rise in the rest of the world. Anyone on the outside that looks at the west for more than five minutes wants no part of what we're doing.

(privacy first)
Malaysia attempting to change a person's pronouns to was/were. Progressive.

(Dave N)
Can we just go back to calling the ones that pass Ladyboys, and the ones that don't (99.9%) Men.

You give them an inch they will take a mile. In Canada they already can brainwash and medicate kids without leting the parents know. If I had to choose between the two I choose the Malaysian way.

(who is John Galt)
The east, and tribal cultures have seen what has happened in the west. They are seeing what we are doing to little children. They ain't having it.

(Milk Shake)
Welll .... the Aliens or Robots will start to enslave humans .... or Owrld War 3 will turns us all to ash .... these can't come soon enough. Humans are clearly trash.

(Geoff Owen)
Ahh the lefties are now in a bind, if they kick off about this they're islamaphobic, if they say nothing then they're violent transphobes as silence is violence.
Ohhhhh pass the popcorn.

Lefties are going to love living in an Islamic country.

(Midori Sato)
While I'm not going to say that a person can't be a trans man and willingly get pregnant, I will say they're doing a terrible job at being men.

(Delta Sly)
Trans people can be hot,
Mostly, if there under 35.
As soon as your age shows, its like wearing ball skin on your face.

(Aniquin Stark)
Muslims are allowed to have entire religious governments but Christians can't even talk about religion in schools...

(Jason Reborn)
Asian men make the most convincing women. It is disturbing how hard it is to tell that isn't a woman. Soon you will need to see a birth certificate and baby pictures to be sure it's not a man

Asian trans > American trans



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