Various TERFs #transphobia
(note by submitter: talking about the lyrics of Kim Petras song "Coconuts")
( Cookiemonster )
This is about his balls.
( Tabitha_Tuesday )
He had them removed at like 16. He's an AGP with limited hip movement due to the scar tissue.
( Cookiemonster )
Damn, still reads like a song about balls though. Maybe he's missing them? Who knows, disturbing all around
( fizzygiglet )
If you watch the song’s choreography, which I just watched as I was discussing it in another comment, it’s very clear that it’s about boobs. Half the dance moves involve him shimmying, groping his boobs, bouncing up and down, etc. as he nearly spills out his corset top ☹️ Lots of gratuitous close-ups too…
( XX_Power)
I just googled photos of him and ooof he's got a giant barrel chest which makes what are presumably silicone implants look like someone duct taped two oranges onto one of these big American refrigerators. Not attractive imo but i guess men only see "boobs" and like it.
( Owlchaser )
It's actually an APG anthem
( Lipsy )
The balls hypothesis is rebutted by "double D's" (lol @ scrotes thinking that's max big gazoongas size) and, especially, by "give 'em a squeeze".
( BlackCirce )
Double Ds = Ds = Deez nuts
( Lipsy )
( pakilez )
Isn’t he HSTS?!
( DebraKadabra )
He misses them lol.
( MissFeather )
Not AGP he’s a gay man. The song was written to appeal to the sexualized pop audience I doubt he wrote it himself.