AvatarCat09 #wingnut #fundie deviantart.com

NOTE: I'm not being hateful here, not in the slightest at all. Though I disagree with the LGBT and don't find myself supporting them, I do not hate anyone who's a part of it at all. I'm just noting what I've seen and experienced. So please read the description before you write whatever in the comments.

So here's a bit of background for me making this. I had been on the Warrior Cats forum last year, posting a thread that has my unpopular opinions on the Off-Topic Discussions page. Those opinions range from serious like "I support Donald Trump" or "I hate communism" to non-serious like "I'm fine with the live-action Garfield movies" and "I don't like ketchup and mustard". Everyone's having fun until someone brought up another serious unpopular opinion I have listed: I disagree with homosexuality. I didn't say it in a nasty way, just an unpopular opinion on there (though I think I should've explained myself more). It got ugly from there, two people saying I made that post to "be a bigot" and throwing in the "homophobe" card, one even saying that I was "covering up my homosexuality". I couldn't take it anymore, so overcome with a negative emotion at the moment, I said some words to them and left, and some replied with "You knew what you were getting into when you did that", though that was pretty much the first time I experienced the "homophobe" card. I came back later to apologize for losing my temper (while still keeping to my beliefs) and trying to be as polite as I could. Their response? It pretty much amounted to "I'm surprised that you're surprised that you're getting the hate" and "Glad you realized you're a homophobe".

And it's not just there. I've seen stuff across the Internet that glorifies the LGBT (or as I call it, the LGBTUVWXYZ) while demonizes Christians who disagree with them, lumping both normal Christians and extremists together. The more extreme people in this group keep preaching about love and tolerance, yet when someone even politely disagrees with them, they're very quick to slap the "homophobe" and "bigot" cards onto them. While there are indeed some hateful people out there that want to see LGBT people hurt or worse, this hatred thing is a two way street. It doesn't matter if it's straight against gay or gay against straight: blind hatred towards anyone is never any good.

As for my thoughts on LGBT and whatnot, I disagree with them (as I noted before). That doesn't mean that I hate them nor want to wish harm on them. Anyone can disagree with each other and still be polite about it.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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